Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tenuate Diet Pill - How Can This Be An Effective Drug For Treating Obesity?

People who are overweight or obese have more to worry about their health than how they look. That is because studies show that obesity and being overweight are leading causes to many health problems, such as cancer and heart disease, to name a few. If you know someone who is obese or overweight, then helping them lose those extra pounds cannot only make them feel better about their image, it can also save their lives as well. If you want to help them, then you can introduce the Tenuate Diet pill to them.

The Tenuate Diet pill is an effective drug that can treat obesity. Below are more details about this drug.
  • The generic name of the medicine is diethylproprion. The medicine acts both as a stimulant and an appetite suppressant. This means that a person taking the Tenuate medication won't feel very hungry and instead of feeling sad about it, the drug can make them feel happy.
  • The stimulant quality of Tenuate makes the body's metabolism act faster, thus burning more fats. The appetite suppressant quality limits the amount of food that the taker eats. The combination of the two guarantees fast weight loss without feeling slowed down or lethargic.
  • The pills are to be taken three times a day before every meal. The pills are also to be taken with water so as to make it easier for the body to absorb the contents.
  • There are side effects to the product, such as dizziness and nausea. That's why it is important to consult with a physician first before recommending this medication to someone.
  • It is also advised that once a person starts taking the pills, he or she should eat healthy foods and follow an exercise program as well.
Given that some people are comfortable with their weight, even if they are above normal, it is still best to remind them that it can't be good for their health. Recommend Tenuate to them and help them avoid many ailments caused by being obese or overweight in the process.